
    Book Your Myanmar Tour

    Con 3  compañías que operan en globo en Myanmar y compiten entre sí por los turistas que hacen el viaje en globo de aire caliente de Myanmar, 2 han logrado ser más exitosa la cantidad de turistas:Globo Bagan y Oriental Ballooning. Incluso si el precio puede ser un factor decisivo en la elección del viaje […]

    With 4 balloon companies operating in Myanmar and competing each other for the tourists who are doing the myanmar hot air balloon ride, 2 have managed to be the most successful amount the tourists: Balloons over Bagan and Oriental Ballooning. Even if the price can be a decisive factor in choosing the balloon ride in […]

    Passeio de balão em Bagan é a atividade mais popular em Bagan, Myanmar. Primeira imagem quando você pesquisar no google com a palavra Bagan é uma imagem com os balões em Bagan. E o passeio de balão está se tornando mais e mais popular entre os turistas que viajam para Mianmar e, em seguida, indo […]

    El Bagan viaje en Globo Aerostatico Bagan es la actividad más popular en Bagan, Myanmar. Primera imagen cuando busque en Google con la palabra Bagan es una imagen con los globos sobre Bagan. Y el viaje en globo es cada vez más popular entre los turistas que viajen a Myanmar y luego la partida durante […]

    Le Bagan Montgolfière est l’activité la plus populaire dans la région de Bagan, Myanmar. Première image lorsque vous faites une recherche google avec le mot Bagan est une image avec les Montgolfière Bagan. Et la montgolfière est de plus en plus populaire parmi les touristes se rendant au Myanmar et ensuite la position pendant quelques […]

    Die bagan Ballonfahrt ist die beliebteste Aktivität in Bagan, Myanmar. Erste Bild, wenn Sie in Google Suchen mit dem Wort Bagan ist ein Bild mit den Bagan über Ballonfahrt. Und die Ballonfahrt wird mehr und mehr beliebt bei den Touristen nach Myanmar reisen und dann für ein paar Tage Tour nach Bagan. Es ist wichtig […]

    After Bagan, Inle Lake is second most traveled destination in Myanmar. Located in Shan State, the small town of Ngweshe is the gate to the second biggest lake in South East Asia and home to the Intha people who live on the lake. Balloons Over Bagan is one of the most popular activity in Myanmar […]

      Oriental Ballooning is one of the 4 companies along STT Ballooning,  Golden Eagle and Balloons over Bagan who operate the balloon rides in Bagan. 4 different companies should mean 4 different services types. There is not that much difference between all there and we will compare them into a next post. Oriental Ballooning Bagan […]

    Bagan Hot Air balloon season 2022/2023 will begin on  October 1st 2022 and will finish on 10th of April 2023. Bagan hot air balloon rides last 45 minutes to an hour (wind depending)  and only sunrise.  There are no balloon rides in Bagan during the sunset due to the afternoon heat, wind direction and the […]

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