
    Book Your Myanmar Tour

    Lured by the famous Bagan sunset and sunrise, busloads of tourists arrive each day, phones and cameras ready at hand, intent on taking the perfect photograph. The real question is: where is the best spot to see these marvelous phenomena without the press of people? Sunsets and sunrises are incredible to behold, but more so […]

    STT Ballooning  started the balloon operating in Bagan last year with 2 balloons only and this season (2020/2021) which started in early October and will end in mid-April had a total number of 8 balloons. April is considered a hot month in Myanmar and as the location in Bagan in a semi-arid area the temperature […]

    From when to visit and how to book, to what to expect and wear on the day, these these tips will help you plan your Hot Air Balloon Bagan experience. If you’ve decided to go hot air ballooning in Bagan, then well done! It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve done on my travels, […]

    With the new dates of the Balloons over Bagan available and starting 2 weeks later compared with the previous years, the Bagan Hot Air Balloon Price for the upcoming season valid from 1st of October 2022 to 10th of April 2023 the price lists for the main 4 balloon operators in Bagan are available online you can […]

    With 4 balloon companies operating in Myanmar and competing each other for the tourists who are doing the myanmar hot air balloon ride, 2 have managed to be the most successful amount the tourists: Balloons over Bagan and Oriental Ballooning. Even if the price can be a decisive factor in choosing the balloon ride in […]

    Passeio de balão em Bagan é a atividade mais popular em Bagan, Myanmar. Primeira imagem quando você pesquisar no google com a palavra Bagan é uma imagem com os balões em Bagan. E o passeio de balão está se tornando mais e mais popular entre os turistas que viajam para Mianmar e, em seguida, indo […]

    Die bagan Ballonfahrt ist die beliebteste Aktivität in Bagan, Myanmar. Erste Bild, wenn Sie in Google Suchen mit dem Wort Bagan ist ein Bild mit den Bagan über Ballonfahrt. Und die Ballonfahrt wird mehr und mehr beliebt bei den Touristen nach Myanmar reisen und dann für ein paar Tage Tour nach Bagan. Es ist wichtig […]

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